Federation with the AT Protocol
Note: This post was originally published in two parts on March 11, 2024 and March 18, 2024
The creators of Bluesky recently introduced early-access to federation of their AT Protocol. This means that individuals can now self-host their own so-called Bluesky instances, called Personal Data Servers, or (PDS)es.
The process of setting up a PDS is fairly straightfoward. An installation script is provided on the official repository but it's really just a wrapper around installing Docker and spinning up a container hosting the service. The script also spins up a Caddy container for reverse-proxying, and a Watchtower container for updates – but the PDS itself is self-contained in a single container, which is a nice change from Mastodon.
Since I already have a Caddy container running as a reverse proxy, and I can handle updates manually, I'll just spin up the lone PDS container. I'm using Podman so this is the incantation I used:
podman run -d --name sky -p 8080:3000 --env-file=pds.env -v /containers/pds:/pds:Z ghcr.io/bluesky-social/pds:0.4
Here, I'm using the path /containers/pds
as my stateful volume for data storage, and 8080
is the external port I'm passing to Caddy to proxy. The pds.env
file contains the necessary environment variables needed to initially configure the container. The repo contains a full list of options you can customize, but here's the bare minimum I started with.
PDS_JWT_SECRET=<openssl rand --hex 16>
PDS_PLC_ROTATION_KEY_K256_PRIVATE_KEY_HEX=<openssl ecparam --name secp256k1 --genkey --noout --outform DER | tail --bytes=+8 | head --bytes=32 | xxd --plain --cols 32>
Most of these can remain unchanged. The key ones to set are obviously the PDSHOSTNAME and the PDSADMINPASSWORD. PDSJWTSECRET and PDSPLCROTATIONKEYK256PRIVATEKEYHEX can be generated with the commands listed, which are pulled straight from the installer script.
If all goes well, you should be able to browse to your public facing PDS domain and see this:
This is an AT Protocol Personal Data Server (PDS): https://github.com/bluesky-social/atproto
Most API routes are under /xrpc/
Creating a new account
Since we did not set up our PDS with any sort of email verification, we'll need to first create an invite code in order to be able to create an account. To do this, we'll need to construct a POST request to the server as follows, using the admin credentials you specified when you created the PDS in part 1.
curl -X POST -L "https://pds.example.com/xrpc/com.atproto.server.createInviteCode" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user "admin:<password>" \
-d '{"useCount": 1}' \
| jq --raw-output '.code'
If all goes well, it should spit on an invite code. From here, you can do another POST request to create your user, but it's probably easier just to head to bsky.app and create a new account there, pointing towards your PDS.
Migrating an account
Migrating an existing account over is a bit more complicated. There's currently no user-friendly way to do so, so the only way is again through the RESTful API. The account migration doc on the official repository does a good job of explaining the process, as well as the risks and implications of doing so. To make things easier, I've also created a shell script that semi-automates the process. I encourage you to read through it to get an understanding of what steps are taking place before following through.